In the era of the internet, marketing your property successfully requires your real estate agent to be resourceful, aggressive and innovative. French & French Sotheby's International Realty invites you to visit the websites belonging to our agents for a closer look at their listings, marketing strategies and philosophies.
Kevin Bobolsky |
www.ChamaRiverRanch.com |
Bob Burbic |
www.BobBurbic.com |
Hazel Cox |
www.HazelCoxRealtor.com |
Marilyn Foss & Karen Wolfe-Mattison |
www.AcequiaCompound.com |
Jane and Dwight Hume |
www.HumeandHume.com |
Judith Ivey |
www.JudithIvey.com |
Paul McDonald |
www.HomeSantaFe.com |
Vivian Nelson |
www.VivianSellsSantaFe.com |
Kelley Owen |
www.KelleyOwen.com |
Fred Raznick |
www.FredRaznick.com |
Ray Rush, Tim Van Camp |
www.LaMesita.com |
Liz Sheffield |
www.LizSheffield.com |
Webb Sherrill |
www.WebbSherrill.com |
Jamie Stone |
www.JamieStone.com |
Jeff Welch & Gary Wallace
www.WeSellEldorado.com |
David Woodard
www.SantaFeRealEstate1.com |
Robert O'Connor |
www.PrestigeSantaFeRealEstate.com |
Shane Cronenweth, Caroline Russell |
www.OldSantaFeTrailEstate.com |